Girls Volleyball Tryouts 10/9 at Conrad Preby's Location: 115 West Woodward Ave 92025. 6th Grade- 6 PM 7th Grade- 7 PM 8th Grade- 8 PM For more information: Jenna Miller, 760-685-7256,
4 months ago, Bear Valley Middle School
Flyer for Girls Volleyball Tryouts
Congratulations to Eduardo Lopez and Jennifer Brown for being selected as our Empowered Learners of the Week!!!
4 months ago, Bear Valley Middle School
Eduardo and Jennifer were selected as our Empowered Learners of the week at BVMS
ASB Spirit Week Next Week!!! Monday PJ Day Tuesday Sports Day Wednesday-Nike vs. Adidas Thursday-Twin Day Friday Westeren Day
4 months ago, Bear Valley Middle School
Spirit Week Theme Days Next Week
SD Legion Rugby players giving lessons to the BVMS PE students today!!! There is still time to sign-up to be on the BVMS team!!!!
4 months ago, Bear Valley Middle School
SD Legion Rugby players teaching lessons during PE classes today
BVMS held our first Student Advisory Board meeting today during lunch. Thank you to those students that were selected and participated!!! Some great ideas werre shared today.
4 months ago, Bear Valley Middle School
Student Advisory Board first meeting happened today
Dance reveal at lunches today!! Our first dance of the year will be on 10/4 with a Westeren Theme!!!!
4 months ago, Bear Valley Middle School
Bear Valley bear mascots holding a sign saying Wild West
Bear Valley bear mascots holding a sign saying Wild West
BVMS spirit day on the 20th of every month celebrating our 20 year anniversary!!!! BVMS Day!
5 months ago, Bear Valley Middle School
Spirit Day Face Painting
Spirit Day Face Painting
Spirit Day Face Painting
Congratulations to Brooklyn Petuzziello and Angel Pahua Martinez for being selected as this week's Empowered Learners at Bear Valley!!!
5 months ago, Bear Valley Middle School
Two students holding their Bear Valley Empowered Learners certificates
Tonight (September 17th, 2024): EUSD Board of Education Regular Meeting at the Carilyn Gilbert Education Center, 2310 Aldergrove Avenue. 7 p.m. open session (6 p.m. closed session). Zoom link Agenda:
5 months ago, Escondido Union School District
Congradulations to Aubrey Garcia and Justin Martinez for being Bear Valley's Empowered Learners of the week!
5 months ago, Bear Valley Middle School
Two students holding their Bear Valley Empowered Learners certificates
BVMS Family Night Out at Pizza 22. September 12th from 11-9PM. Pizza 22 is located in the Barnes and Noble parking lot. Mention BVMS and 20% of sales comes back to the BVMS PTA! Help support!!!
5 months ago, Bear Valley Middle School
BVMS Family Night Out 9/12
Bear Valley Middle School Received Gold Status as a PBIS School
5 months ago, Bear Valley Middle School
Bear Valley received gold status for PBIS implementation
Canceled: the EUSD Board of Education Regular Meeting tonight, September 5th, has been canceled due to fires in the area. The meeting will be rescheduled at a later date.
5 months ago, Escondido Union School District
Tonight (September 5th, 2024): EUSD Board of Education Regular Meeting at the Carilyn Gilbert Education Center, 2310 Aldergrove Avenue. 7 p.m. open session (6 p.m. closed session). Zoom link Agenda:
5 months ago, Escondido Union School District
BVMS coed flag football tryouts are happening Thursday August 29th at the BVMS field. 6th Grade Tryouts outs-3:30 7th Grade Tryouts- 3:30 8th Grade Tryouts-4:30 Cost is free and players receive mouth guard and jersey For more information: Maxwell Hutchinson 619-860-8619
5 months ago, Bear Valley Middle School
Coed Flag Football Tryouts
ASB Mrs. Fields Fundraiser has now started!!!!
5 months ago, Bear Valley Middle School
Our Mrs. Fields fundraiser kicks off today.  Fundraiser packets going home with students today!  You can start selling and sharing the QR code, shop the brochure or online!  Let's make this our best fundraiser ever!
What a way to end our Week of Welcome with an all school One Lunch Wonder!!!!
5 months ago, Bear Valley Middle School
Week of Welcome One Lunch Wonder
Week of Welcome One lunch Wonder
Week of Welcome One Lunch Wonder
Thank you to Mrs. Van Doorn, Mes. Snew, and our ASB students for participating in their annual retreat Friday night here at BVMS.
5 months ago, Bear Valley Middle School
BVMS ASB Leadership Retreat Friday Night
BVMS ASB Mrs. Fields Fundraiser is right around the corner
6 months ago, Bear Valley Middle School
ASB Mrs. Fields fundraiser is right around the corner