Many people ask what is ASB because at Bear Valley it is such an active and visible group on campus. ASB stands for Associated Student Body and essentially it is a class of leaders. These 7th and 8th grade students were elected into the class in the spring. Qualifications for ASB leaders include; 2.5 GPA or higher, good teacher recommendations, a position paper, an interview, a video introduction and then the student body votes. You can see these students have good character and show positive leadership on campus.
What does ASB do? The officers in ASB are responsible for planning, promoting and executing most activities on campus. Such activities include noon activities, spirit days, community service projects, dance parties, awards, academic pep rallies, assemblies and recognition. They do all these things with the money raised by the One and ONLY fundraiser they do called the Magazine and Cookie Dough fundraiser. These monies also help out with field trips and activities for each grade level. ASB officers bi-monthly meetings where they make decisions on the above mentioned topics. The money raised this year will be spent back on the students this year. So thank you for your contributions!
The ASB website will describe in better detail the goals of ASB for this year along with a list of class officers, photos of ongoing events, calendar of events and more. Please feel free to contact the advisor, Denise van Doorn for any further questions.
Click HERE for more information.